御朱印帳 福猫 Goshuincho Lucky Cat


A goshuin stamp notebook with adorable cats that bring happiness
A goshuin stamp notebook that conveys the warmth of wood, reminiscent of
shrines and temples.
An original goshuin stamp notebook with a cover made from laser-processed
wood material.
A stylish product with a combination of the texture unique to wood and pastel

You can use it as a decoration in your home or as a notebook.

size :B6変形 ジャバラ折 36ページ
material:表紙素材:MDF  本文素材:奉書紙

size :B6 variant, accordion fold, 36 pages (W120×D15×H180mm) 
material : Cover material: MDF, Body material: Hosho paper

Made in Japan
